Accelerated functions with type hints ===================================== First a minimalist example: .. literalinclude:: Nice but very limited... So it possible to mix type hints and :code:`# pythran def` commands. .. literalinclude:: Moreover, you can write: .. literalinclude:: Yes, this one is neat! .. note:: Note that the array types ``A`` and ``A1`` are bound. When ``A.ndim == 1``, then ``A1.ndim == 2``, and when ``A.ndim == 3``, then ``A1.ndim == 4``. No signatures are produced for ``A.ndim == 1``, ``A1.ndim == 4``. Note that one can also just write Pythran type-string in type annotations:: @boost def myfunc(a: "float[3, :]", b: float): ... Array types with only one number of dimension can simply be defined like this:: from transonic import Array A = Array[float, "3d"] Which has actually the same effect as:: A = "float[:, :, :]" But, one can also specify the memory layout, for example for a C-order array and a strided array:: A = Array[float, "3d", "C"] A_strided = Array[float, "3d", "strided"] Oh, and you can also write:: import numpy as np from transonic import str2type, typeof T = str2type("(int, float)") # a tuple A = typeof(np.empty((2, 2))) There is also an ``Union`` "type" that can be used similarly as `typing.Union `__:: from transonic import Array, Union U = Union[float, Array[float, "3d"]] All Transonic types are defined in the module :mod:`transonic.typing`.