# Transonic documentation Transonic is a pure Python package (requiring Python >= 3.9) to easily accelerate modern Python-Numpy code with different accelerators (currently [Cython](https://cython.org/), [Pythran](https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/pythran) and [Numba](https://numba.pydata.org/), but potentially later [Cupy](https://cupy.chainer.org/), [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/), [JAX](https://github.com/google/jax), [Weld](https://www.weld.rs/), [Pyccel](https://github.com/pyccel/pyccel), etc...). **The accelerators are not hard dependencies of Transonic:** Python code using Transonic run fine without any accelerators installed (of course without speedup)! ```{toctree} :caption: Get started :maxdepth: 2 overview install backends packaging ``` ```{toctree} :caption: Examples :maxdepth: 2 examples/classic examples/type_hints examples/using_jit examples/blocks examples/methods ipynb/executed/demo_compile_at_import ipynb/executed/demo_jit examples/inlined/txt examples/writing_benchmarks/bench ipynb/executed/bench_fxfy ``` ## API Reference Here is presented the organization of the package and the documentation of the modules, classes and functions. ```{eval-rst} .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ :caption: API Reference transonic.aheadoftime transonic.analyses transonic.backends transonic.compiler transonic.config transonic.dist transonic.justintime transonic.log transonic.mpi transonic.run transonic.signatures transonic.typing transonic.util ``` ```{toctree} :caption: More :maxdepth: 1 Transonic forge on Heptapod Transonic in PyPI changes roadmap thanks for_dev/CONTRIBUTING Advice for FluidDyn developers for_dev ``` ## Indices and tables - {ref}`genindex` - {ref}`modindex` - {ref}`search`