Source code for transonic.backends.base_jit

"""SubBackend class for Transonic JIT compilation

Internal API

.. autoclass:: SubBackendJIT


import re
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    np = None

from transonic.analyses import extast
from transonic.signatures import make_signatures_from_typehinted_func
from transonic.log import logger
from transonic import mpi
from transonic.typing import format_type_as_backend_type, typeof
from transonic.util import get_source_without_decorator, path_root

from .for_classes import produce_code_class

[docs]class SubBackendJIT: """Sub-class for Transonic JIT compilation""" def __init__(self, name, type_formatter): = name self.name_capitalized = name.capitalize() self.type_formatter = type_formatter self.path_base = Path(path_root) / / "__jit__" self.path_class = self.path_base.parent / "__jit_class__" if mpi.rank == 0: self.path_base.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.path_class.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) while True: if self.path_base.exists() and self.path_class.exists(): break sleep(0.1) def make_backend_source(self, info_analysis, func, path_backend): func_name = func.__name__ jitted_dicts = info_analysis["jitted_dicts"] src = info_analysis["codes_dependance"][func_name] if func_name in info_analysis["special"]: if func_name in jitted_dicts["functions"]: src += "\n" + extast.unparse(jitted_dicts["functions"][func_name]) elif func_name in jitted_dicts["methods"]: src += "\n" + extast.unparse(jitted_dicts["methods"][func_name]) else: # TODO find a prettier solution to remove decorator for cython # than doing two times a regex src += "\n" + re.sub( r"@.*?\sdef\s", "def ", get_source_without_decorator(func) ) has_to_write = True if path_backend.exists() and mpi.rank == 0: with open(path_backend) as file: src_old = if src_old == src: has_to_write = False return src, has_to_write def make_new_header(self, func, arg_types): # Include signature comming from type hints signatures = make_signatures_from_typehinted_func( func, self.type_formatter ) exports = set(f"export {signature}" for signature in signatures) if arg_types != "no types": exports.add(f"export {func.__name__}({', '.join(arg_types)})") return exports def merge_old_and_new_header(self, path_backend_header, header, func): try: path_backend_header_exists = path_backend_header.exists() except TimeoutError: raise RuntimeError( f"A MPI communication in Transonic failed when compiling " f"function {func}. This usually arises when a jitted " "function has to be compiled in MPI and is only called " f"by one process (rank={mpi.rank})." ) if path_backend_header_exists: # get the old signature(s) header_old = self._load_old_header(path_backend_header) # FIXME: what do we do with the old signatures? header = self._merge_header_objects(header, header_old) return self._make_header_code(header) def _load_old_header(self, path_backend_header): exports_old = None if mpi.rank == 0: with open(path_backend_header) as file: exports_old = [export.strip() for export in file.readlines()] exports_old = mpi.bcast(exports_old) return exports_old def _merge_header_objects(self, header, header_old): header.update(header_old) return header def _make_header_code(self, header): return "\n".join(sorted(header)) + "\n" def write_new_header(self, path_backend_header, header, arg_types): mpi.barrier() if mpi.rank == 0: logger.debug( f"write {self.name_capitalized} signature in file " f"{path_backend_header} with types\n{arg_types}" ) with open(path_backend_header, "w") as file: file.write(header) file.flush()
[docs] def compute_typename_from_object(self, obj: object): """return the backend type name""" transonic_type = typeof(obj) return format_type_as_backend_type(transonic_type, self.type_formatter)
def produce_code_class(self, cls): return produce_code_class(cls)