Source code for transonic.backends.cython

"""Cython Backend

Internal API

.. autoclass:: HeaderFunction

.. autoclass:: SubBackendJITCython

.. autoclass:: CythonBackend

import copy
import inspect

from warnings import warn

from transonic.analyses.extast import unparse, gast, FunctionDef, Name
from transonic.signatures import make_signatures_from_typehinted_func
from transonic.typing import format_type_as_backend_type, MemLayout

from .base import BackendAOT, TypeHintRemover, format_str
from .base_jit import SubBackendJIT
from .typing import TypeFormatter

def normalize_type_name_for_array(name):
    if name == "bool_":
        return "np.uint8"
    if any(name.endswith(str(number)) for number in (8, 16, 32, 64, 128)):
        return "np." + name
    if name in ("int", "float", "complex"):
        return "np." + name
    return name

class TypeFormatterCython(TypeFormatter):
    def normalize_type_name(self, name):
        if any(name.endswith(str(number)) for number in (8, 16, 32, 64, 128)):
            return "np." + name + "_t"
        if name in ("int", "float", "complex", "str"):
            return f"cython.{name}"
        return name

    def make_array_code(
        self, dtype, ndim, shape, memview, mem_layout, positive_indices
        dtype = normalize_type_name_for_array(dtype.__name__)
        if ndim == 0:
            return dtype

        if memview:
            return memoryview_type(dtype, ndim, mem_layout)
            return np_ndarray_type(dtype, ndim, mem_layout, positive_indices)

    def make_dict_code(self, type_keys, type_values, **kwargs):
        return "dict"

    def make_set_code(self, type_keys, **kwargs):
        return "set"

    def make_list_code(self, type_elem, **kwargs):
        return "list"

    def make_tuple_code(self, types, **kwargs):
        return "tuple"

    def make_const_code(self, code):
        return "const " + code

def memoryview_type(dtype, ndim, mem_layout) -> str:
    ndim_F = 0
    ndim_C = 0
    if mem_layout is MemLayout.C:
        ndim_C = 1
        ndim -= 1
    elif mem_layout is MemLayout.F:
        ndim_F = 1
        ndim -= 1
    end = ", ".join(["::1"] * ndim_F + [":"] * ndim + ["::1"] * ndim_C)
    return f"{dtype}_t[{end}]"

def np_ndarray_type(dtype, ndim, mem_layout, positive_indices) -> str:
    if mem_layout is MemLayout.C:
        mode = ', mode="c"'
    elif mem_layout is MemLayout.F:
        mode = ', mode="f"'
        mode = ""

    if positive_indices:
        positive_indices = ", negative_indices=False"
        positive_indices = ""

    return f"np.ndarray[{dtype}_t, ndim={ndim}{mode}{positive_indices}]"

[docs]class HeaderFunction: def __init__( self, path=None, name=None, arguments=None, types: dict = None, imports=None, ): if path is not None: self.path = path with open(path) as file: lines = file.readlines() last_line = lines[-1] assert last_line.startswith("cpdef ") name = last_line.split(" ", 1)[1].split("(", 1)[0] parts = [ part.strip() for part in "".join(lines[:-1]).split("ctypedef fused ") ] imports = parts[0] types = {} for part in parts[1:]: assert part.startswith(f"__{name}_") lines = part.split("\n") arg_name = lines[0].split(f"__{name}_", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[0] types[arg_name] = set(line.strip() for line in lines[1:]) if types is None: if arguments is None: raise ValueError types = {key: set() for key in arguments} if arguments is None: arguments = types.keys() self.arguments = arguments = name self.types = types self.imports = imports def make_code(self): bits = [self.imports + "\n\n"] for arg, types in self.types.items(): bits.append(f"ctypedef fused __{}_{arg}:\n") for type_ in sorted(types): bits.append(f" {type_}\n") bits.append("\n") tmp = ", ".join(f"__{}_{arg} {arg}" for arg in self.types) bits.append(f"cpdef {}({tmp})") code = "".join(bits) return code def add_signature(self, new_types): for new_type, set_types in zip(new_types, self.types.values()): set_types.add(new_type) def update_with_other_header(self, other): if != raise ValueError if self.types.keys() != other.types.keys(): raise ValueError for key, value in other.types.items(): self.types[key].update(value)
[docs]class SubBackendJITCython(SubBackendJIT): def make_new_header(self, func, arg_types): # Include signature comming from type hints header = HeaderFunction( name=func.__name__, arguments=list(inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys()), imports="import cython\n\nimport numpy as np\ncimport numpy as np\n", ) signatures = make_signatures_from_typehinted_func( func, self.type_formatter, as_list_str=True ) for signature in signatures: header.add_signature(signature) if arg_types != "no types": header.add_signature(arg_types) return header def _load_old_header(self, path_backend_header): return HeaderFunction(path=path_backend_header) def _merge_header_objects(self, header, header_old): header.update_with_other_header(header_old) return header def _make_header_code(self, header): return header.make_code()
[docs]class CythonBackend(BackendAOT): """Main class for the Cython backend""" backend_name = "cython" suffix_header = ".pxd" keyword_export = "cpdef" _SubBackendJIT = SubBackendJITCython _TypeFormatter = TypeFormatterCython def _make_first_lines_header(self): return ["import cython\n\nimport numpy as np\ncimport numpy as np\n"] def _make_header_from_fdef_annotations( self, fdef, annotations: dict, locals_types=None, returns=None ): if hasattr(fdef, "_transonic_keywords"): decorator_keywords = fdef._transonic_keywords else: decorator_keywords = {} inline = decorator_keywords.get("inline", False) inline = "inline " if inline else "" fdef = FunctionDef(, args=copy.deepcopy(fdef.args), body=[]) assert isinstance(annotations, list) if len(annotations) > 1: warn( "Cython backend only supports one set of annotations. " "Please use Transonic fused types." ) try: annotations = annotations[0] except IndexError: annotations = {} transonic_types = set(annotations.values()) if locals_types: transonic_types.update(locals_types.values()) if returns: transonic_types.add(returns) transonic_types = sorted(transonic_types, key=repr) template_parameters = set() for ttype in transonic_types: if hasattr(ttype, "get_template_parameters"): template_parameters.update(ttype.get_template_parameters()) template_parameters = sorted(template_parameters, key=repr) transonic_fused_types = [ ttype for ttype in transonic_types if hasattr(ttype, "is_fused_type") and ttype.is_fused_type() ] if not all(param.values for param in template_parameters): raise ValueError( f"{template_parameters}, {[param.values for param in template_parameters]}" ) cython_fused_types = {} def get_ttype_name(ttype): if hasattr(ttype, "short_repr"): ttype_name = ttype.short_repr() elif hasattr(ttype, "__name__"): ttype_name = ttype.__name__ elif isinstance(ttype, str): ttype_name = ttype else: raise RuntimeError return ttype_name for ttype in transonic_fused_types: ttype_name = get_ttype_name(ttype) name_cython_type = f"__{}__{ttype_name}" cython_types = ttype.get_all_formatted_backend_types( self.type_formatter ) if "None" in cython_types: cython_types.remove("None") cython_fused_types[name_cython_type] = cython_types signatures_func = [] for name, possible_types in cython_fused_types.items(): ctypedef = [f"ctypedef fused {name}:\n"] for possible_type in sorted(set(possible_types)): ctypedef.append(f" {possible_type}\n") signatures_func.append("".join(ctypedef)) def get_name_cython_type(ttype): ttype_name = get_ttype_name(ttype) name_cython_type = f"__{}__{ttype_name}" if name_cython_type in cython_fused_types: return name_cython_type return format_type_as_backend_type(ttype, self.type_formatter) # change function parameters if fdef.args.defaults: name_start = Name("*", gast.Param()) fdef.args.defaults = [name_start] * len(fdef.args.defaults) for name in fdef.args.args: name.annotation = None if annotations: ttype = annotations[] name_cython_type = get_name_cython_type(ttype) else: name_cython_type = "object" = f"{name_cython_type} {}" if locals_types is not None and locals_types: # note: np.ndarray not supported by Cython in "locals" # TODO: thus, fused types not supported here locals_types = ", ".join( f"{k}={format_type_as_backend_type(v, self.type_formatter, memview=True)}" for k, v in locals_types.items() ) signatures_func.append(f"@cython.locals({locals_types})") if returns is not None: ttype = returns name_cython_type = get_name_cython_type(ttype) returns = name_cython_type + " " else: returns = "" def_keyword = "cpdef" signatures_func.append( f"{def_keyword} {inline}{returns}{unparse(fdef).strip()[4:-1]}\n" ) return signatures_func def _make_code_from_fdef_node(self, fdef): if hasattr(fdef, "_transonic_keywords"): decorator_keywords = fdef._transonic_keywords else: decorator_keywords = {} parts = [] if not decorator_keywords.get("boundscheck", True): parts.append("@cython.boundscheck(False)") if not decorator_keywords.get("wraparound", True): parts.append("@cython.wraparound(False)") if decorator_keywords.get("cdivision", False): parts.append("@cython.cdivision(True)") if not decorator_keywords.get("nonecheck", True): parts.append("@cython.noneckeck(False)") if decorator_keywords.get("nogil", False): parts.append("@cython.nogil") transformed = TypeHintRemover().visit(fdef) # convert the AST back to source code parts.append(unparse(transformed)) return format_str("\n".join(parts)) def _make_beginning_code(self): return ( "try:\n" " import cython\n" "except ImportError:\n" " from transonic_cl import cython\n\n" ) def make_meson_code(self, file_names, subdir): raise NotImplementedError("No Meson support for the Cython backend")