Source code for

"""Command line transonic

Internal API

.. autofunction:: run

.. autofunction:: parse_args


import argparse
from pathlib import Path
from glob import glob
import sys

from transonic import __version__

from transonic.compiler import wait_for_all_extensions, scheduler

from .backends import backends
from transonic.config import backend_default
from transonic.log import logger
from transonic.util import (
from transonic.analyses import analyse_files

doc = """
transonic: easily speedup your Python code with Pythran


[docs]def run(): """Run the transonic commandline See :code:`transonic -h` """ args = parse_args() if args.version: print(__version__) return if not args.path and not args.clear_cache: logger.warning("No python files given. Nothing to do! ✨ 🍰 ✨.") return if args.clear_cache: clear_cached_extensions(args.clear_cache, args.force, args.backend) return if args.verbose is None: logger.set_level(None) elif args.verbose == 1: logger.set_level("info") elif args.verbose > 1: logger.set_level("debug") path = args.path if isinstance(path, list) and len(path) == 1: path = path[0] if isinstance(path, list): paths = path else: path = Path(path) if path.is_file(): paths = (path,) elif path.is_dir(): paths = path.glob("*.py") else: paths = glob(str(path)) if not paths: logger.error(f"No input file found (args.path = {args.path})") sys.exit(1) analyses = analyse_files(paths) if "," in args.backend: backend_names = args.backend.split(",") else: backend_names = [args.backend] for backend_name in backend_names: backend = backends[backend_name] run_1_backend(paths, backend, args, analyses)
def run_1_backend(paths, backend, args, analyses): backend.make_backend_files( paths, force=args.force, analyses=analyses, for_meson=args.meson ) if args.meson: path_meson_build = Path("") if not path_meson_build.exists(): raise RuntimeError( "transonic --meson has to be called from a " "directory containing a file" ) subdir = None with open(path_meson_build) as file: for line in file: if line.strip().startswith("subdir:"): subdir = line.split("'")[1] break if subdir is None: raise RuntimeError( "transonic --meson has to be called from a " "directory containing a file with a subdir" ) subdir += f"/__{}__" path_dirs = set() file_names = [] for path in paths: path = Path(path) path_dirs.add(path.parent) file_names.append( if len(path_dirs) > 1: raise RuntimeError( "with the --meson option, only file names should be " "given and not paths" ) meson_code = backend.make_meson_code(file_names, subdir) meson_path = Path(f"__{}__") / "" if not meson_path.exists(): has_to_write = True else: old_meson_code = meson_path.read_text() has_to_write = old_meson_code != meson_code if has_to_write: meson_path.write_text(meson_code) if args.no_compile: return if not can_import_accelerator( logger.warning( f"Since {backend.name_capitalized} is not importable, " "Transonic cannot properly compile a file." ) return # find pythran files not already compiled backends_paths = [] for path in paths: path = Path(path) backend_path = path.parent / str(f"__{}__") / ext_path = backend_path.with_name( backend.name_ext_from_path_backend(backend_path) ) if backend_path.exists() and has_to_build(ext_path, backend_path): backends_paths.append(backend_path) with scheduler.progress: backend.compile_extensions( backends_paths, str_accelerator_flags=args.accelerator_flags, parallel=True, force=args.force, ) if not args.no_blocking: wait_for_all_extensions()
[docs]def parse_args(): """Parse the arguments""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=doc, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument("path", help="Path file or directory.", nargs="*") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", help="proceed even if the files seem up-to-date", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", help="print version and exit", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="verbose mode", action="count") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--backend", help=("Backend (pythran, cython, numba or python)"), type=str, default=backend_default, ) parser.add_argument( "-nc", "--no-compile", help="do not compile the Pythran/Cython/... files", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-nb", "--no-blocking", help="launch the compilation in the background and return", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-pf", "--pythran-flags", help=("Depreciated: use -af"), type=str, default="", ) parser.add_argument( "-af", "--accelerator-flags", help=( "Flags sent to the accelerator. " 'Default is "". ' "There has to be atleast one space in the passed string! " "Examples:\n" '`transonic -af "-march=native "` or\n' '`transonic -af "-march=native -DUSE_XSIMD -Ofast"`\n' ), type=str, default="", ) parser.add_argument( "-cc", "--clear-cache", help=("clear the cached extensions for a module"), type=str, # default="", ) parser.add_argument( "--meson", help="Only prepare the backend directory for Meson", action="store_true", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.pythran_flags != "": raise DeprecationWarning("-pf is deprecated. Use -af instead!") if args.meson: args.no_compile = True return args
if __name__ == "__main__": run()