Source code for transonic.typing

"""Create Pythran signatures from type hints

User API

.. autoclass:: Type

.. autoclass:: NDim

.. autoclass:: Array

.. autoclass:: List

.. autoclass:: Tuple

.. autoclass:: Dict

.. autoclass:: Set

.. autoclass:: Union

.. autofunction:: str2type

.. autofunction:: typeof

.. autofunction:: const

Internal API

.. autoclass:: TemplateVar

.. autoclass:: ArrayMeta

.. autoclass:: ListMeta

.. autoclass:: DictMeta

.. autofunction:: format_type_as_backend_type

.. autoclass:: ConstType

import re
from enum import Enum, auto
import itertools

import numpy as np

from transonic.util import get_name_calling_module

names_template_variables = {}

class FusedType:
    def is_fused_type(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_all_formatted_backend_types(self, type_formatter):
        template_params = self.get_template_parameters()
        values_template_parameters = {
            param.__name__: param.values for param in template_params
        names = tuple(values_template_parameters.keys())
        formatted_types = []
        for set_types in itertools.product(*values_template_parameters.values()):
            template_variables = dict(zip(names, set_types))
                    self, type_formatter, **template_variables
        return formatted_types

[docs]class TemplateVar: """Base class for template variables >>> T = TemplateVar("T") >>> T = TemplateVar("T", int, float) >>> T = TemplateVar() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError >>> T = TemplateVar(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: (1,) [False] """ _type_values = type _letter = "T" def get_template_parameters(self): return (self,) def __init__(self, *args, name_calling_module=None): if not args: raise ValueError if name_calling_module is None: name_calling_module = get_name_calling_module() if name_calling_module not in names_template_variables: names_template_variables[name_calling_module] = {} names_variables = names_template_variables[name_calling_module] if type(self) not in names_variables: names_variables[type(self)] = set() names_already_used = names_variables[type(self)] if self._is_correct_for_name(args[0]): self.__name__ = args[0] args = args[1:] else: index_var = len(names_already_used) while self._letter + str(index_var) in names_already_used: index_var += 1 self.__name__ = self._letter + str(index_var) self.values = args names_already_used.add(self.__name__) self._check_type_values() def _is_correct_for_name(self, arg): return isinstance(arg, str) def _check_type_values(self): if not all(isinstance(value, self._type_values) for value in self.values): raise TypeError( f"{self.values} " f"{[isinstance(value, self._type_values) for value in self.values]}" ) def has_multiple_values(self): return len(self.values) > 1
[docs]class Type(TemplateVar, FusedType): """Template variable representing the dtype of an array. As a user, it is useful only for fused types. >>> Type(int, float) Type(int, float) """ def __repr__(self): repr_values = [] for value in self.values: if hasattr(value, "__name__"): repr_values.append(value.__name__) else: repr_values.append(repr(value)) return f"Type({', '.join(repr_values)})" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): dtype = None for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == self.__name__: dtype = value break if dtype is None: raise ValueError return dtype.__name__ def is_fused_type(self): return len(self.values) > 1 def short_repr(self): long_repr = repr(self) replaced_by = {"(": "I", ")": "I", ", ": "_"} for replaced, replacer in replaced_by.items(): long_repr = long_repr.replace(replaced, replacer) return long_repr
[docs]class NDim(TemplateVar): """Template variable representing the number of dimension of an array. As a user, it is useful only for fused types. >>> N = NDim(1, 2) >>> N1 = N + 1 """ _type_values = int _letter = "N" def __init__(self, *args, shift=0, name_calling_module=None): if name_calling_module is None: name_calling_module = get_name_calling_module() super().__init__(*args, name_calling_module=name_calling_module) self.shift = shift def __repr__(self): if len(self.values) == 1: name = f'"{self.values[0]}d"' else: name = f"NDim({', '.join(repr(v) for v in self.values)})" if self.shift == 0: return name elif self.shift < 0: return name + f" - {-self.shift}" elif self.shift > 0: return name + f" + {self.shift}" else: raise RuntimeError def __add__(self, number): name_calling_module = get_name_calling_module() return type(self)( self.__name__, *self.values, shift=number, name_calling_module=name_calling_module, ) def __sub__(self, number): name_calling_module = get_name_calling_module() return type(self)( self.__name__, *self.values, shift=-number, name_calling_module=name_calling_module, ) def short_repr(self): long_repr = repr(self) replaced_by = { '"': "", "(": "I", ")": "I", " - ": "m", " + ": "p", ", ": "_", } for replaced, replacer in replaced_by.items(): long_repr = long_repr.replace(replaced, replacer) return long_repr
class UnionVar(TemplateVar): """TemplateVar used for the Union type""" _type_values = (type, type(None)) _letter = "U" class Meta(type, FusedType): """Type of the Transonic types (used to create metaclasses)""" def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError("Transonic types are not meant to be instantiated") def is_fused_type(self): template_parameters = self.get_template_parameters() for template_parameter in template_parameters: if hasattr(template_parameter, "is_fused_type"): if template_parameter.is_fused_type(): return True if hasattr(template_parameter, "has_multiple_values"): if template_parameter.has_multiple_values(): return True return False class MemLayout(Enum): C = auto() F = auto() C_or_F = auto() strided = auto() def __repr__(self): return f'"{}"' def str2shape(str_shape): assert str_shape.startswith("[") and str_shape.endswith("]") str_shape = str_shape.replace(" ", "") if str_shape == "[]": return (None,) n = str_shape.count("]") if n > 1: return (None,) * n shape = [] for symbol in str_shape[1:-1].split(","): if symbol == ":": value = None elif symbol == "": continue else: value = int(symbol) shape.append(value) return tuple(shape) def shape2str(shape): symbols = [":" if value is None else str(value) for value in shape] tmp = ",".join(symbols) return f'"[{tmp}]"'
[docs]class ArrayMeta(Meta): """Metaclass for the Array class""" def __getitem__(self, parameters): if not isinstance(parameters, tuple): parameters = (parameters,) dtype = None ndim = None memview = False mem_layout = MemLayout.C_or_F shape = None positive_indices = False params_filtered = [] for param in parameters: if param is None: continue if isinstance(param, (Type, type, np.dtype)): if dtype is not None: raise ValueError( "Array should be defined with only one variable defining " "the types. For more than one type, use " "for example Type(float, int)" ) if isinstance(param, np.dtype): param = param.type dtype = param if isinstance(param, NDim): if ndim is not None: raise ValueError( "Array should be defined with only " "one NDim. For more than one dimension, use " "for example NDim(2, 3)." ) ndim = param if ( isinstance(param, str) and param[-1] == "d" and param[:-1].isnumeric() ): try: tmp = int(param[:-1]) except ValueError: pass else: if ndim is not None: raise ValueError( "Array should be defined with only " "one string fixing the number of dimension. " "Use for example NDim(2, 3)." ) param = ndim = NDim( tmp, name_calling_module=get_name_calling_module() ) if isinstance(param, str): param = param.strip() if param == "memview": memview = True continue if param == "positive_indices": positive_indices = True continue if param.startswith("[") and param.endswith("]"): shape = str2shape(param) continue try: mem_layout = MemLayout[param] continue except KeyError: pass raise ValueError(f"{param} cannot be interpretted...") params_filtered.append(param) if shape is not None: if ndim is None: ndim = NDim( len(shape), name_calling_module=get_name_calling_module() ) params_filtered.append(ndim) elif ndim != len(shape): raise ValueError("ndim != len(shape)") if not any(shape): shape = None if dtype is None: raise ValueError("No way to determine the dtype of the array") if ndim is None: raise ValueError("No way to determine the ndim of the array") parameters = {p.__name__: p for p in params_filtered} assert isinstance(ndim, NDim) if hasattr(dtype, "short_repr"): dtype_name = dtype.short_repr() else: dtype_name = dtype.__name__ return type( f"Array_{dtype_name}_{ndim.short_repr()}", (Array,), { "dtype": dtype, "ndim": ndim, "parameters": parameters, "memview": memview, "mem_layout": mem_layout, "shape": shape, "positive_indices": positive_indices, }, ) def get_parameters(self): return getattr(self, "parameters", dict()) def get_template_parameters(self): return tuple( param for param in self.get_parameters().values() if isinstance(param, TemplateVar) ) def __repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, "parameters"): return super().__repr__() if self.shape is not None: parameters = [ param for param in self.parameters.values() if not isinstance(param, NDim) ] else: parameters = self.parameters.values() strings = [] for p in parameters: if isinstance(p, type): string = p.__name__ else: string = repr(p) strings.append(string) if self.shape is not None: strings.append(shape2str(self.shape)) if self.memview: strings.append('"memview"') if self.mem_layout is not MemLayout.C_or_F: strings.append(repr(self.mem_layout)) if self.positive_indices: strings.append('"positive_indices"') return f"Array[{', '.join(strings)}]" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): dtype = ndim = None for var in self.parameters.values(): if isinstance(var, Type) and var.values: dtype = var.values[0] elif isinstance(var, NDim) and var.values: ndim = var.values[0] elif isinstance(var, type): dtype = var for key, value in kwargs.items(): try: template_var = self.parameters[key] except KeyError: continue if isinstance(template_var, Type): dtype = value elif isinstance(template_var, NDim): ndim = value + template_var.shift else: raise ValueError if dtype is None or ndim is None: raise ValueError memview = kwargs.get("memview", self.memview) return backend_type_formatter.make_array_code( dtype, ndim, self.shape, memview, self.mem_layout, self.positive_indices, )
[docs]class Array(metaclass=ArrayMeta): """Represent a Numpy array. >>> Array[int, "2d"] Array[int, "2d"] >>> Array[int, "2d", "C"] Array[int, "2d", "C"] >>> Array[int, "2d", "F"] Array[int, "2d", "F"] >>> Array[int, "2d", "strided"] Array[int, "2d", "strided"] Fused types: >>> Array[Type(int, float), "1d"] Array[Type(int, float), "1d"] >>> Array[float, NDim(2, 3)] Array[float, NDim(2, 3)] >>> Array[int, "1d", "C", "positive_indices"] Array[int, "1d", "C", "positive_indices"] """
class UnionMeta(Meta): """Metaclass for the Union class""" def __getitem__(self, types): types_in = types if not isinstance(types_in, tuple): types_in = (types_in,) types = [] for type_ in types_in: if isinstance(type_, str): type_ = str2type(type_) types.append(type_) types = tuple(types) name_calling_module = get_name_calling_module() template_var = UnionVar(*types, name_calling_module=name_calling_module) short_repr = [] for value in types: if hasattr(value, "short_repr"): short_repr.append(value.short_repr()) elif hasattr(value, "__name__"): short_repr.append(value.__name__) else: short_repr.append(repr(value)) return type( f"Union{'_'.join(short_repr)}", (Union,), {"types": types, "template_var": template_var}, ) def get_template_parameters(self): template_params = [] for type_ in self.types: if hasattr(type_, "get_template_parameters"): template_params.extend(type_.get_template_parameters()) template_params.append(self.template_var) return tuple(template_params) def __repr__(self): strings = [] if not hasattr(self, "types"): return super().__repr__() for p in self.types: if isinstance(p, Meta): string = repr(p) elif isinstance(p, type): string = p.__name__ else: string = repr(p) strings.append(string) return "Union[" + ", ".join(strings) + "]" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): type_ = kwargs.pop(self.template_var.__name__) return format_type_as_backend_type( type_, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs ) def short_repr(self): return self.__name__
[docs]class Union(metaclass=UnionMeta): """Similar to typing.Union >>> Union[float, Array[int, "1d"]] Union[float, Array[int, "1d"]] """
[docs]class ListMeta(Meta): """Metaclass for the List class""" def __getitem__(self, type_elem): if isinstance(type_elem, str): type_elem = str2type(type_elem) return type("ListBis", (List,), {"type_elem": type_elem}) def get_template_parameters(self): if hasattr(self.type_elem, "get_template_parameters"): return self.type_elem.get_template_parameters() return tuple() def __repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, "type_elem"): return super().__repr__() if isinstance(self.type_elem, Meta): string = repr(self.type_elem) elif isinstance(self.type_elem, type): string = self.type_elem.__name__ else: string = repr(self.type_elem) return f"List[{string}]" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): return backend_type_formatter.make_list_code(self.type_elem, **kwargs)
[docs]class List(metaclass=ListMeta): """Similar to typing.List >>> List[List[int]] List[List[int]] """
[docs]class DictMeta(Meta): """Metaclass for the Dict class""" def __getitem__(self, types): type_keys, type_values = types if isinstance(type_keys, str): type_keys = str2type(type_keys) if isinstance(type_values, str): type_values = str2type(type_values) return type( "DictBis", (Dict,), {"type_keys": type_keys, "type_values": type_values}, ) def get_template_parameters(self): template_params = [] if hasattr(self.type_keys, "get_template_parameters"): template_params.extend(self.type_keys.get_template_parameters()) if hasattr(self.type_values, "get_template_parameters"): template_params.extend(self.type_values.get_template_parameters()) return template_params def __repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, "type_keys"): return super().__repr__() if isinstance(self.type_keys, type): key = self.type_keys.__name__ else: key = repr(self.type_keys) if isinstance(self.type_values, type): value = self.type_values.__name__ else: value = repr(self.type_values) return f"Dict[{key}, {value}]" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): return backend_type_formatter.make_dict_code( self.type_keys, self.type_values, **kwargs )
[docs]class Dict(metaclass=DictMeta): """Similar to typing.Dict >>> Dict[str, int] Dict[str, int] """
class SetMeta(Meta): """Metaclass for the Set class""" def __getitem__(self, type_keys): if isinstance(type_keys, str): type_keys = str2type(type_keys) return type("SetBis", (Set,), {"type_keys": type_keys}) def get_template_parameters(self): if hasattr(self.type_keys, "get_template_parameters"): return self.type_keys.get_template_parameters() else: return tuple() def __repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, "type_keys"): return super().__repr__() if isinstance(self.type_keys, type): key = self.type_keys.__name__ else: key = repr(self.type_keys) return f"Set[{key}]" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): return backend_type_formatter.make_set_code(self.type_keys, **kwargs)
[docs]class Set(metaclass=SetMeta): """Similar to typing.Set >>> Set[str] Set[str] """
class TupleMeta(Meta): """Metaclass for the Tuple class""" def __getitem__(self, types): if not isinstance(types, tuple): types = (types,) trans_types = [] for type_in in types: if isinstance(type_in, str): type_in(str2type(type_in)) trans_types.append(type_in) return type("TupleBis", (Tuple,), {"types": trans_types}) def get_template_parameters(self): template_params = [] for type_ in self.types: if hasattr(type_, "get_template_parameters"): template_params.extend(type_.get_template_parameters()) return tuple(template_params) def __repr__(self): if not hasattr(self, "types"): return super().__repr__() strings = [] for type_ in self.types: if isinstance(type_, Meta): name = repr(type_) elif isinstance(type_, type): name = type_.__name__ else: name = repr(type_) strings.append(name) return f"Tuple[{', '.join(strings)}]" def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): return backend_type_formatter.make_tuple_code(self.types, **kwargs)
[docs]class Tuple(metaclass=TupleMeta): """Similar to typing.Tuple >>> Tuple[int, Array[int, "2d"]] Tuple[int, Array[int, "2d"]] """
class OptionalMeta(Meta): def __getitem__(self, type_): return Union[type_, None] class Optional(metaclass=OptionalMeta): """Similar to typing.Optional >>> Optional[int] Union[int, None] """
[docs]def format_type_as_backend_type(type_, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): """Format a Transonic type as a backend (Pythran, Cython, ...) type""" if type_ is None: # None has a special meaning for typing... return "None" if isinstance(type_, str): type_ = str2type(type_) if hasattr(type_, "format_as_backend_type"): backend_type = type_.format_as_backend_type( backend_type_formatter, **kwargs ) elif hasattr(type_, "__name__"): backend_type = type_.__name__ else: print("type_", type_, type(type_)) raise RuntimeError(f"type_: {type_}") assert backend_type is not None return backend_type_formatter.normalize_type_name(backend_type)
[docs]def str2type(str_type): """Compute a Transonic type from a string >>> str2type("int[:,:]") Array[int, "2d"] >>> str2type("int or float[]") Union[int, Array[float, "1d"]] >>> str2type("(int, float[:, :])") Tuple[int, Array[float, "2d"]] """ str_type = str_type.strip() if " or " in str_type: subtypes = str_type.split(" or ") return Union[tuple(str2type(subtype) for subtype in subtypes)] try: return eval(str_type) except (TypeError, SyntaxError, NameError): # not a simple type pass if "[" not in str_type: # could be a numpy type try: if not str_type.startswith("np."): dtype = "np." + str_type else: dtype = str_type return eval(dtype, {"np": np}) except (TypeError, SyntaxError, AttributeError): pass if str_type.startswith("(") and str_type.endswith(")"): re_comma = re.compile(r",(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))") return Tuple[ tuple( str2type(word) for word in re_comma.split(str_type[1:-1]) if word ) ] words = [word for word in str_type.split(" ") if word] if words[-1] == "list": return List[" ".join(words[:-1])] if words[-1] == "dict": if len(words) != 3: raise NotImplementedError(f"words: {words}") key = words[0][:-1] value = words[1] return Dict[key, value] if words[-1] == "set": if len(words) != 2: raise NotImplementedError(f"words: {words}") key = words[0] return Set[key] # str_type should be of the form "int[]" if "[" not in str_type: raise ValueError(f"Can't determine the Transonic type from '{str_type}'") dtype, str_shape = str_type.split("[", 1) dtype = dtype.strip() if not dtype.startswith("np.") and dtype not in ("int", "float"): dtype = "np." + dtype str_shape = "[" + str_shape dtype = eval(dtype, {"np": np}) return Array[dtype, str_shape]
_simple_types = (int, float, complex, str)
[docs]def typeof(obj): """Compute the Transonic type corresponding to a Python object Supports: - simple Python types (int, float, complex, str) - homogeneous list, dict and set - tuple - numpy scalars - numpy arrays """ if isinstance(obj, _simple_types): return type(obj) if isinstance(obj, tuple): return Tuple[tuple(typeof(elem) for elem in obj)] if isinstance(obj, (list, dict, set)) and not obj: raise ValueError( f"Cannot determine the full type of an empty {type(obj)}" ) if isinstance(obj, list): type_elem = type(obj[0]) if not all(isinstance(elem, type_elem) for elem in obj): raise ValueError(f"The list {obj} is not homogeneous in type") return List[typeof(obj[0])] if isinstance(obj, (dict, set)): key = next(iter(obj)) type_key = type(key) if not all(isinstance(key, type_key) for key in obj): raise ValueError("The dict {obj} is not homogeneous in type") if isinstance(obj, dict): value = next(iter(obj.values())) type_value = type(value) if not all(isinstance(value, type_value) for value in obj.values()): raise ValueError("The dict {obj} is not homogeneous in type") return Dict[typeof(key), typeof(value)] else: return Set[typeof(key)] # TODO: Tuple if isinstance(obj, tuple): raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): if np.isscalar(obj): return obj.dtype.type # TODO: deeper analysis return Array[obj.dtype, f"{obj.ndim}d"] if isinstance(obj, np.generic): return type(obj) raise NotImplementedError( f"Not able to determine the full type of {obj} (of type {type(obj)})" )
[docs]class ConstType(Type): """Private API class for const""" def __init__(self, type_): self.type = type_ def format_as_backend_type(self, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs): return backend_type_formatter.make_const_code( format_type_as_backend_type( self.type, backend_type_formatter, **kwargs ) ) def __repr__(self): return f"const({repr(self.type)})" def is_fused_type(self): return self.type.is_fused_type() def get_template_parameters(self): return self.type.get_template_parameters() def short_repr(self): if hasattr(self.type, "short_repr"): short_repr_type = self.type.short_repr() else: short_repr_type = repr(self.type) return f"constI{short_repr_type}I"
[docs]def const(type_): """Declare a type as constant (``const`` C/Cython keyword)""" return ConstType(type_)