Source code for transonic.util

"""Internal utilities

Public API

.. autofunction:: set_compile_at_import

Internal API

.. autofunction:: find_module_name_from_path

.. autofunction:: get_module_name

.. autofunction:: modification_date

.. autofunction:: has_to_build

.. autofunction:: get_source_without_decorator

.. autoclass:: TypeHintRemover

.. autofunction:: strip_typehints

.. autofunction:: get_ipython_input

.. autofunction:: get_info_from_ipython

.. autofunction:: has_to_compile_at_import

.. autofunction:: import_from_path

.. autofunction:: query_yes_no

.. autofunction:: clear_cached_extensions

.. autofunction:: is_method

.. autofunction:: has_to_write

.. autofunction:: write_if_has_to_write


import os
import sys
import inspect
import re
from pathlib import Path
import importlib.util
import shutil
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Callable

import gast as ast

from transonic.config import backend_default

    # since black is still beta (in 03/2019), we cannot impose a version :-(
    import black
except ImportError:
    import autopep8

    def format_str(src_contents):
            return autopep8.fix_code(src_contents)
        except AttributeError:
            # workaround
            return src_contents

        _mode = black.FileMode(line_length=82)
    except TypeError:

        def format_str(src_contents: str):
                return black.format_str(src_contents, line_length=82)
            except black.InvalidInput:
                print("black.InvalidInput\n" + src_contents)


        def format_str(src_contents: str):
                return black.format_str(src_contents, mode=_mode)
            except black.InvalidInput:
                print("black.InvalidInput\n" + src_contents)

    from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
except ImportError:

from transonic import __version__
from transonic.analyses import extast

from transonic.compiler import (

from transonic.config import path_root, strtobool

__all__ = ["modification_date", "has_to_build", "path_root"]

def can_import_accelerator(backend: str = backend_default):
    if backend == "pythran":
            import pythran
        except ImportError:
            return False
    elif backend == "cython":
            import cython
        except ImportError:
            return False
    elif backend == "numba":
            import numba
        except ImportError:
            return False
    elif backend == "python":
        return True
        raise NotImplementedError
    return True

def print_versions(accelerators=None):
    print(f"Transonic {__version__}")

    if accelerators is None or "pythran" in accelerators:
            import pythran
        except ImportError:
            print("Pythran not importable")
            print(f"Pythran {pythran.__version__}")

    if accelerators is None or "numba" in accelerators:
            import numba
        except ImportError:
            print("Numba not importable")
            print(f"Numba {numba.__version__}")

    if accelerators is None or "cython" in accelerators:
            import Cython
        except ImportError:
            print("Cython not importable")
            print(f"Cython {Cython.__version__}")

[docs]def find_module_name_from_path(path_py: Path): """Find the module name from the path of a Python file It is done by looking to ``sys.path`` to see how the module can be imported. """ path_py = Path(path_py) cwd = Path.cwd() path = path_py.absolute().parent module_name = path_py.stem # special case for jit_classes special_dir = "__jit_class__" if special_dir in tmp = [special_dir] name_pack = ".".join([ + 1 :]) if name_pack: tmp.append(name_pack) tmp.append(module_name) return ".".join(tmp) while path.parents: if path == cwd or str(path) in sys.path: return module_name module_name = + "." + module_name path = path.parent return path_py.stem
def _get_pathfile_from_frame(frame): return frame.f_code.co_filename
[docs]def get_module_name(frame): """Get the full module name""" try: module = inspect.getmodule(frame) except AttributeError: # bug when runpy.run_path is called with pathlib.Path return _get_pathfile_from_frame(frame) pathfile = None if module is not None: module_name = module.__name__ if module_name in ("__main__", "<run_path>"): pathfile = _get_pathfile_from_frame(frame) else: pathfile = _get_pathfile_from_frame(frame) if pathfile is not None: module_name = find_module_name_from_path(Path(pathfile)) if module_name is None: # ipython ? src, module_name = get_info_from_ipython() return module_name
def get_name_calling_module(): return get_module_name(get_frame(1)) def get_frame(depth=1): """Return a frame object from the call stack. This should be equivalent to ``inspect.currentframe().f_back`` with ``depth`` times ``.f_back``. For example, ``depth = 1`` gives the caller frame. """ try: return sys._getframe(depth + 1) except AttributeError: # we might want to implement this with another function # (``inspect.currentframe`` or ``inspect.stack()``) # for alternative Python implementations raise except ValueError: print([frame_info[1] for frame_info in inspect.stack()]) raise
[docs]def get_source_without_decorator(func: Callable): """Get the source of a function without its decorator""" src = inspect.getsource(func) src = dedent(src) return strip_typehints(re.sub(r"@.*?\sdef\s", "def ", src))
[docs]class TypeHintRemover(ast.NodeTransformer): """Strip the type hints from """ def visit_FunctionDef(self, fdef): # remove the return type defintion fdef.returns = None # remove all argument annotations if fdef.args.args: for arg in fdef.args.args: arg.annotation = None body = [] for node in fdef.body: if isinstance(node, ast.AnnAssign): if node.value is None: continue node = ast.Assign( targets=[], value=node.value, type_comment=None ) body.append(node) fdef.body = body return fdef
[docs]def strip_typehints(source): """Strip the type hints from a function""" source = format_str(source) # parse the source code into an AST parsed_source = ast.parse(source) # remove all type annotations, function return type definitions # and import statements from 'typing' transformed = TypeHintRemover().visit(parsed_source) # convert the AST back to source code striped_code = extast.unparse(transformed) return striped_code
def make_code_from_fdef_node(fdef): transformed = TypeHintRemover().visit(fdef) # convert the AST back to source code code = extast.unparse(transformed) return format_str(code)
[docs]def get_ipython_input(last=True): """Get the input code when called from IPython""" ip = get_ipython() hist_raw = ip.history_manager.input_hist_raw if last: return hist_raw[-1] else: return "\n".join(hist_raw)
[docs]def get_info_from_ipython(): """Get the input code and a "filename" when called from IPython""" src = get_ipython_input() hex_input = make_hex(src) dummy_filename = "__ipython__" + hex_input return src, dummy_filename
[docs]def set_compile_at_import(value=True): """Control the "compile_at_import" mode""" global _PYTHRANIZE_AT_IMPORT _PYTHRANIZE_AT_IMPORT = value
[docs]def has_to_compile_at_import(): """Check if transonic has to pythranize at import time""" if _PYTHRANIZE_AT_IMPORT is not None: return _PYTHRANIZE_AT_IMPORT return "TRANSONIC_COMPILE_AT_IMPORT" in os.environ
[docs]def import_from_path(path: Path, module_name: str): """Import a .py file or an extension from its path""" if not path.exists(): raise ImportError( f"File {path} does not exist. " f"[ for path in path.parent.glob('*')]:\n{[ for path in path.parent.glob('*')]}\n" ) if "." in module_name: package_name, mod_name = module_name.rsplit(".", 1) name_file =".", 1)[0] if mod_name != name_file: module_name = ".".join((package_name, name_file)) else: module_name = path.stem if module_name in sys.modules: module = sys.modules[module_name] if module.__file__.endswith(ext_suffix) and Path(module.__file__) == path: return module spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, path) # for potential "local imports" in the module sys.path.insert(0, str(path.parent)) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) # clean sys.path sys.path.pop(0) # fix bug Numba sys.modules[module_name] = module return module
[docs]def query_yes_no(question: str, default: str = None, force: bool = False): """User yes or no query""" if force: return True if default is None: end = "(y/n)" default = "" elif default == "y": end = "([y]/n)" elif default == "n": end = "(y/[n])" print(f"{question} {end}") while True: answer = input() if answer == "": answer = default try: return strtobool(answer) except ValueError: print('Please respond with "y" or "n".')
[docs]def clear_cached_extensions(module_name: str, force: bool, backend: str): """Delete the cached extensions related to a module""" from transonic.backends import backends from transonic import mpi backend = backends[backend] path_jit = mpi.Path(backend.jit.path_base) if module_name.endswith(".py"): module_name = module_name[:-3] if os.path.sep not in module_name: relative_path = module_name.replace(".", os.path.sep) else: relative_path = module_name path_pythran_dir_jit = path_jit / relative_path relative_path = Path(relative_path) path_pythran = relative_path.parent / ( "__{}__/" + + ".py" ) path_ext = path_pythran.with_name( backend.name_ext_from_path_backend(path_pythran) ) if not path_pythran_dir_jit.exists() and not ( path_pythran.exists() or path_ext.exists() ): print( f"Not able to find cached extensions corresponding to {module_name}" ) print("Nothing to do! ✨ 🍰 ✨.") return if path_pythran_dir_jit.exists() and query_yes_no( f"Do you confirm that you want to delete the cached files for {module_name}", default="y", force=force, ): print(f"Remove directory {path_pythran_dir_jit}") shutil.rmtree(path_pythran_dir_jit) if path_pythran.exists() or path_ext.exists(): if query_yes_no( f"Do you confirm that you want to delete the AOT cache for {module_name}", default="y", force=force, ): for path in (path_pythran, path_ext): if path.exists(): path.unlink()
[docs]def is_method(func): """Determine wether a function is going to be used as a method""" signature = inspect.signature(func) try: answer = next(iter(signature.parameters.keys())) == "self" except StopIteration: answer = False return answer
[docs]def has_to_write(path_file: Path, new_code: str): """Check if a file exists and contains a code""" if path_file.exists(): with open(path_file, "r") as file: source_code = if new_code == source_code: return False else: return True else: return True
[docs]def write_if_has_to_write( path_file: Path, new_code: str, logger=None, force=False ): """Write a file if it doesn't exist or doesn't contain a particular code""" written = False if has_to_write(path_file, new_code) or force: written = True path_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) with open(path_file, "w") as file: file.write(new_code) if logger: logger(f"{path_file} written") return written
def timeit(stmt="pass", setup="pass", total_duration=2, globals=None): """timeit with a approximate total_duration""" from timeit import Timer timer = Timer(stmt, setup, globals=globals) timer.timeit(10) duration1 = timer.timeit(10) / 10 number = max(1, int(round(total_duration / duration1))) if number > 200: repeat = int(round(number / 100)) number = int(round(number / repeat)) else: repeat = 1 if number * duration1 > 2 * total_duration: raise RuntimeError("number * duration1 > 2 * total_duration") duration = min(timer.repeat(repeat=repeat, number=number)) return duration / number def timeit_verbose( stmt, setup="pass", total_duration=2, globals=None, norm=None, name=None, print_time=False, max_length_name=33, ): result = timeit( stmt, setup=setup, total_duration=total_duration, globals=globals ) if norm is None: norm = result norm_given = False else: norm_given = True if name is None: name = stmt.split("(")[0] fmt_name = f"{{:{max_length_name}s}}" name = fmt_name.format(name) if print_time: raw_time = f" = {result:7.3g} s" else: raw_time = "" print(f"{name}: {result/norm:5.3g} * norm{raw_time}") if not norm_given and not print_time: print(f"norm = {norm:5.3g} s") return result